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Xinle Li Lab
Nanoporous Functional Materials for Energy and Environment
Teaching Experience
Department of Chemistry, Clark Atlanta University 2020 -present
General Chemistry 111 (Fall 2023)
Instrumental Methods of Analysis 412/512 and laboratory courses (Spring 2021-2024)
Analytical Chemistry 211 and 211 laboratory courses (Fall 2020, 2021, 2022)
Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University 2011 -2016
Guided and tutored undergraduate (28 students per session) in organic chemistry 331 and 332 laboratory courses.
Prepared experiments and conducted pre-lab lectures for chemistry laboratory courses (20 hours per week).
Mentoring Experience
Department of Chemistry, Clark Atlanta University 2020-present
Supervised undergraduate and graduate research projects
Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2017-2018
Supervised undergraduate research projects (more than 20 hours per week).
Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University 2013-2016
Guided 4 undergraduate interns individually by designing and supervising research projects.
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